Community Survey 2021

Hello neighbors,

The HOA Board is working on next year's budget and updating our community Bylaws/CC&Rs and your input is greatly valued in this process. Please participate in this important community survey, which will take about 5-10 minutes. Since there are questions about our current rules and what you think should be changed and kept the same, you may want to review our current Bylaws at: Please note that comments may be shared with the community, but will be anonymized.

If you have any questions about the survey, please email

We are excited to see you all at the annual meeting in July. (Annual meeting date and time to be announced soon.) At our annual meeting we will be presenting the updated Budget and Bylaws, as well sharing anonymized survey results with you.

Thank you for taking the time to give your feedback. Access the Survey here: Lake Lucinda Community Survey 2021

On behalf of the HOA Board,